Targeting the Heart
Sharpening our preaching and teaching
PGP 2022 Annual Conference
2023 Annual Conference
15-16 August (Tue–Wed)
We are thrilled to have two excellent servants of the Lord contributing at the PGP 2022 Annual Conference.
Murray Capill
Murray is Dean of Ministry Development and lecturer in Pastoral Ministry at the Reformed Theological College in Melbourne, Australia. He previously pastored churches in Australia and New Zealand, and was Principal of RTC from 2008 – 2019. His book The Target is the Heart has helped countless preachers.
Murray will bring us a masterclass in preaching and teaching God's word to God's people, especially in applying God's word with pastoral clarity and precision.
Sam Allberry
Sam is a pastor, and an internationally valued apologist and speaker. He is the author of a number of books, including Is God Anti-Gay? and Why Bother with Church?
Sam will help us pastor Christians in our ministries with same-sex-attraction and gender confusion, and to evangelise in this sexually confused world.
10:15am Register and coffee for 10.45 start (esp for those travelling in to Perth) |
Talks by Murray Capill |
Workshops to hone our preaching/teaching |
Electives to dig deeper into relevant aspects of teaching |
Lunch and breaks to feed the body and fill with conversations |
6:00pm Dinner (sit down) with spouses invited to join Includes Murray preaching to us |
8:00pm Finish |
9:00am Start |
Talk and Workshop with Murray Capill |
2 talks from Sam Allberry, with extensive Q and A |
Lunch and breaks |
4.30pm Finish |
The PGP Annual Conference is for Christian leaders—pastors, youth workers, chaplains, theological students and ministry apprentices across WA.
Our purpose in gathering for 2 days is to equip us for Biblically faithful, Christ-centred gospel ministry,
and to foster partnerships in the cause of Christ as we seek to win the multitudes of lost people in WA and beyond.
$200 standard (all meals including Tuesday Dinner)
$100 for Ministry Apprentices and students
$50 discount for people travelling 350kms, and for people travelling more than 500kms we will waive the conference fee entirely (conference income helps fund PGP's operations through the year)