2024 Annual Conference

13-14 August

Guard your heart

growing in Christ-like character

PGP 2024 Annual Conference

North Beach Baptist Church • 10 Groat St

Character is supreme. God emphasises his delight in the transformation of his people into the image of Christ, and determination to use everything to bring it about. And Christian leaders must be of sound character. We see the devastating impact of leaders with flawed character, both in the church and beyond.

At this year's conference our focus will be on developing and protecting Christ-like character, especially in the stresses and strains of gospel ministry. We want to learn from God's word and each other how to guard our hearts, so that we can guard the gospel and God's sheep.

Craig Tucker

Craig is the lead Pastor of Scot's church, in the heart of Sydney CBD. He was converted as a uni student, and has -planted and pastored churches among battlers, yuppies and urbanites.

Craig will open the Bible with us, to show us how God grows us in character, by his grace. Leveraging his theological convictions and personal experience, his 3 keynote talks will bring to light the crucial importance of the character of gospel workers, and God's ways to grow.

Caroline Spencer

Caroline works in church pastoral ministry, and with City Bible Forum. She has contributed to Moore College's training of ministers in the area of Intentional Ministry Reflection, and is active in Pastoral Supervision.

Caroline will present a model for Intentional Ministry Reflection, a tool that helps us intentionally address character issues in a fruitful way.

Electives will be offered each day, so that you can attend two:

Self -aware without becoming self- absorbed

Fighting sin without being obsessed by sin

Loving Sacrificially without burning out

Leading courageously without becoming overbearing

Seeking peace without avoiding conflict

Meals and coffee breaks will give time to connect with colleagues, network with people serving in similar contexts and meet new people who share your passions.

Break out groups give deliberate space to thinking through the material with friends.



10:15am Register and coffee for 10.45 start

(esp for those travelling in to Perth)

Talks by Craig Tucker, Presentation by Caroline Spencer

Breakout groups to connect with people serving in similar contexts

Electives exploring particular aspects of character in a focussed way

Lunch and coffee breaks to feed the body and fill with conversations

6:00pm Dinner (sit down) with spouses invited to join

Includes Talk (Don West) and personal input relevant for all.

8:30pm Finish


9:00am Start

Talks by Craig Tucker and personal stories of growing in character

Presentation by Caroline Spencer

Lunch and coffee breaks

Breakout groups to delve more personally into challenges in the area of character

Electives exploring particular aspects of character in a focussed way

5.00pm Finish

Registrations are now closed.

The PGP Annual Conference is for Christian leaders—pastors, youth workers, chaplains, theological students and ministry apprentices across WA.

Our purpose in gathering for 2 days is to equip us for Biblically faithful, Christ-centred, gospel ministry

and to foster partnerships in the cause of Christ as we seek to win the multitudes of lost people in WA and beyond.


$200 standard (all meals including Tuesday Dinner)

$100 for Ministry Apprentices and students

$50 discount for people travelling 350kms

$100 discount for people travelling more than 500kms

$30 Tuesday dinner for spouses

(conference income helps fund PGP's operations through the year)