PGP 2023 Annual Conference FeedbackAbout me: Ministry Position(Required) Church – Senior Pastor Church – Associate/staff Church Elder Theological student Ministry Apprentice Parachurch worker OtherAbout me: I attended(Required) Tuesday WednesdayKeynotes talk by Al Stewart were high quality Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeKeynotes talk by Al Stewart were relevant to me and my ministry Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeStage Discussions about Al Stewart's talks were valuable Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about Al's talksKeynotes talk by Tim Thorburn were high quality Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeKeynotes talk by Tim Thorburn were relevant to me and my ministry Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about Tim's talksTalks by Dani Treweek were high quality Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeTalks by Dani Treweek were relevant for me Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about Dani's talksPresentation by Clare Deeves was helpful for me Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about Clare's presentationElective 1: Which Elective did you attend?Helping Men be Men (Al Stewart)Expressing Complementarianism in Small Groups (Amy and Jon)Expressing Complementarianism in Church Leadership (Criag Newill))Expressing Complementarianism in family/marriage (David Seccombe)The Elective was Not at all valuable little valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very ValuableComments about ElectiveElective 2: Which Elective did you attend?Making Working Together Work (Clare Deeves)Ministry as Singles (Dani Treweek)Resolving Conflict when gender is a factor (Corinne and Jono)Interntional Complementarianism (Paul and Jacinta)Employing Women on a Staff Team (Grant, Alexia and Ash)The Elective was Not at all valuable little valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very ValuableComments about ElectiveBreakout groups Not at all valuable not valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very ValuableComments about Breakout groupsTuesday evening Dinner and presentations (with spouses) Not at all valuable not valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very ValuableComments about Dinner sessionIntegration – the whole conference was valuable in helping me think about implementing Complementarianism Not at all valuable not valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very ValuableComments about integrationThe timing worked well for me (Tues-Wed, Aug, start/finish times) Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about timingThe overall shape of the program worked well for me Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about programThe location/venue worked well for me (North Beach Baptist Church) Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about location/venueThe food was good Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about foodThe conference was good value for money Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about valueI was able to connect with people well Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly AgreeComments about connectingWhat did you take away from the conference?Is there anything you would like PGP to know (if you would like us to contact you, please add your name)