Renew your Partnership in the Perth Gospel Partnership for 2 years. For information on what being a Partner involves, see Partners.For current PGP Partners only. If you want to apply to become a PGP Partner for the first time, see here. "*" indicates required fieldsPersonal detailsName* First Last Email* Phone*Ministry detailsChurch/Ministry*PositionPublic informationWould you like to be a Public Partner?*If you’re a public partner, your name will be included on public lists of PGP Partners (e.g. on the website). Yes NoWould you like to make your email address publicly available?*If you choose “Yes”, your email address may be made available in public lists of partners (e.g. on the website, in a spam-secure way), so that people can contact you. Yes NoPayment detailsPartnership renewal*For two years Price: Payment method*Bank transferCredit card (+ processing fee)Credit/Debit card processing fee Price: $ 0.00 Amount due