PGP Annual Conference 2021
We are called to make Christ known to all, because God so loved the world he gave his Son. We are called to proclaim Christ here in WA, whatever the hurdles.
So the PGP 2021 Annual Conference aims to inspire and help us raise the evangelistic temperature in our churches, ministries and lives. Not by loading us with guilt about lost opportunities, but by warming our hearts with the reality of Jesus and our world, by strengthening our spines to tackle the task, and by equipping us with approaches and resources for leading God's people in evangelism in the post-Christian world we inhabit.
COVID restrictions mean that David Robertson will not be with us in person, but he will give his talks via video. The rest of the program will take place in person, which is a critical value for us as the PGP network.
Keynote Speaker: David Robertson
David works as an evangelist with ASK (Ask.Seek.Knock), a Project of ENC
(Evangelism and New Churches, Sydney Anglicans). As such he is involved with education, media, churches and various forms of outreach as a speaker, writer and broadcaster. He was the minister of St Peters Free Church in Dundee Scotland for 27 years. He blogs at
The PGP Annual Conference is for Christian leaders—pastors, youth workers, chaplains, theological students and ministry apprentices across WA.
Our purpose in gathering for 2 days is to equip us for Biblically faithful, Christ-centred gospel ministry, and to foster partnerships in the cause of Christ as we seek to win the multitudes of lost people in WA and beyond.
The conference will be a physical gathering (unless COVID restrictions prevent us), as interacting and praying (and eating) together are crucial to our goals.
As well as the keynote addresses by David Robertson, the conference will include:
Venue: North Beach Baptist Church (10 Groat St, North Beach)
Dates: 24–25 August
Tuesday 10.30am to 8.30pm
Wednesday 9am to 5pm
It is a non-residential conference, but includes Dinner on the Tuesday evening. Your spouse is welcome to join the conference for Tuesday dinner and keynote talk (6pm).
Registrations have now closed.
For queries go to the button below
Cost: Standard Registration $200
Discounts for Theological students/Ministry Apprentices ($100) and those travelling from afar ($50)
If you are travelling from further than 450kms, PGP will subsidize the full registration cost of the conference.