Endorsed Ministries

The purpose of endorsing ministries is to see the gospel grow by:

  • Giving ministries access to the PGP network for the advance of the ministry
  • Giving the PGP network access to ministries for the advance of the network members


To become an Endorsed Ministry, it needs to meet all the following conditions:

  • it is Interdenominational
  • it is a WA serving ministry
  • it holds clearly articulated convictions aligned with those found in the PGP Theological Vision Statement. Consideration is to be given both to the official statements of the Ministry and to the known convictions of the key personnel. The official statements need to be not inconsistent with the PGP TVS. The known convictions of the key personnel need to be consistent with the PGP TVS. This will normally be expressed in being a PGP Partner.
  • a vision or goal aligned with the Vision of the PGP, that is to advance the gospel in WA by equipping leaders, and promoting evangelism and church planting.
  • have structures in place that are sufficiently robust to give PGP confidence that the ministry will be carried out with consistent conviction, leadership and accountability (pastoral and financial)


When requests are made by an organisation to become a PGP Endorsed Ministry, the EO will bring the request with relevant documentation to the PGP Executive for a response. If the PGP Executive has any doubts, it is to be referred to the PGP Steering Committee. Decisions about Endorsement are to be forwarded to the organisation, but no reasons need be given for decision.

Endorsed Ministries will be listed on the PGP website, and their events may be advertised to the network at the discretion of the EO.

All Endorsements are to be reviewed annually by applying the policy. This will normally be done by the PGP Executive.

The PGP is a partnership of Christian leaders, and exists because we think we can achieve more by working together on some things than we could achieve if we all worked alone.

The PGP Steering Committee is working on a number of projects which will result in PGP events (e.g. Ministry Intensives). But many Partners will also be working on their own projects that have aims similar to the aims of the PGP and are designed to advance the cause of the gospel in the wider Christian community (including PGP Partners’ ministries).

The PGP wants to help make such projects be more effective by endorsing and advertising them in the PGP network.

Operating principles

Any Partner can submit an event or project to the PGP Steering Committee to be considered for endorsement. The Steering Committee will consider all such requests.

The criteria it will use to decide will be:

  • does the event contribute to our Vision and Purpose?
  • does the event sit comfortably with the convictions of the PGP Theological Vision Statement?do the contributors hold convictions and stand for our core beliefs as expressed in the PGP Doctrinal Statement?
  • is the event of general interest and potential benefit to our Partners and the ministries they lead? (see PGP website pgp.org.au for the relevant documents)

The Steering Committee reserves the right to decline any submission without giving its reasons. However, Partners have the power to initiate a Partners’ Special Meeting if they are unhappy with the decision.

Organisations whose aims comply with the above criteria can apply to be endorsed as an organisation.

If an event is endorsed by the PGP:

  • the organisers can place the PGP logo on the publicity with “This event is endorsed by the PGP” or similar wording added
  • the PGP will place the event on the PGP website (in consultation with the organisers):
  • in the Calendar of events
  • as an event announcement
  • the PGP will include the event in its regular news/updates emails to Partners.

The sorts of events or organisations we envisage being endorsed by the PGP are:

  • CCOWA conventions
  • Trinity Theological College events for Pastors (eg Ministry Matters)
  • a church putting on a training day for youth
  • a group of churches running an evangelistic program in a region.

All submissions for endorsement should be addressed to 

For discussion and clarification, contact the Steering Committee via Tim Thorburn.

Advertising External Events in the Network

We want the Partnership to work as a vehicle for anyone in the network to inform the network of things they are doing or running or aware of that they think would be of interest and value to the network.

An example would be a church in the network running a training workshop in Biblical Counselling, and inviting other people in the network to attend. This doesn’t fit the category of 'Endorsed Ministries' so we need a policy for when we advertise such events.


When Partners or Friends in the PGP network request that PGP advertise their event, our criteria for agreeing are:

  • if the event’s purpose is aligned with the PGP vision; and
  • if the theological convictions of the organisers and presenters of the event are aligned with the PGP Theological Vision Statement; and
  • if the event is clearly for a wider audience than the particular church or denomination of the organisers.


Requests to advertise in the PGP Network shall normally be determined by the EO by applying the policy. Where there is difficulty in applying the policy, the EO will consult with the PGP Executive.