2024 Annual Conference
13-14 August
The Character of the Christian Leader
Keynote Speaker: Craig Tucker
Details to come
PGP 2024 Annual Conference
North Beach Baptist Church • 10 Groat St
One of the founding convictions of PGP is Complementarianism — that God calls and equips both men and women for ministry and we delight in the Scriptural pattern of complementary partnership in serving the Lord. In church life God entrusts leadership to suitably qualified men.
At this year's conference we will explore ways these Complementarian convictions work out in practice. Our aim is not to be prescriptive about how it must be expressed in your church and ministry, but to learn together from Biblical principles and experienced practitioners about ways to make it work faithfully, productively and joyfully. Our prayer is that it will lead to wonderfully fruitful partnerships in ministry and evangelism, as men and women work together. We long to see confident complementarianism.
Al Stewart
Al is the National Director of FIEC. He has planted and pastored churches in a variety of contexts in and around Sydney. Married to Kathy, with adult children, he has recently authored 'The Manual: Getting Masculinity Right'.
In a world of 'toxic masculitiy' and Christian men often being unsure how to be godly men, Al will speak about healthy masculinity, especially as it is expressed in leaders. His talks will include mining the Pastoral epistles for God's ways of expressing both masculinity and femininity.
Dani Treweek
Dani is a theologian, researcher, author and speaker in the areas of Biblical singleness, sexuality, and world view formation. She has served on the ministry teams of a number of churches, and recently published 'The Meaning of Singleness'
Dani will give us a rich understanding of ways complementarianism has been expressed and described in recent history, which has the power to give us a perspective on our own convictions, and prompt us to think deeply about our practices.
Tim Thorburn
Tim is the Chair of PGP, and serves as the AFES WA Regional Director. He has pastored churches in rural and urban WA, and has worked at the coalface of student ministry for 30 years.
For men and women to be partners in the cause of Christ, it helps to have a rich understanding of Biblical partnership - its foundations, building blocks and expressions. Tim will open the Scriptures each morning to paint Biblical pictures of partnership.
Clare Deeves
Clare serves on the ministry team at Kallaroo Anglican church. Previously she was Academic Dean and Lecturer in Church History at Trinity Theological College. She recently completed a PhD on the experiences of women in complementarian church staff teams.
Clare will present the clear 'take-homes' from her PhD research, outlining the key ingredients for positive relationships between women in paid ministry and their Senior Pastors. Unsurprisingly these ingredients are applicable much more widely as men and women minister together.
10:15am Register and coffee for 10.45 start (esp for those travelling in to Perth) |
Talks by Tim Thorburn, Al Stewart and Dani Treweek |
Breakout groups to connect with people serving in similar contexts |
Electives to dig deeper into relevant aspects of partnering |
Lunch and breaks to feed the body and fill with conversations |
6:00pm Dinner (sit down) with spouses invited to join Includes both Al and Dani sharing more personally about marriage and ministry |
8:30pm Finish |
9:00am Start |
Talks by Tim Thorburn, and Al Stewart |
Presentation by Clare Deeves, with panel discussion |
Lunch and breaks |
Breakout groups to discuss ways of hearing the voices of women in church decisions Electives covering some practical aspects of men and women ministering together 5.00pm Finish |
The PGP Annual Conference is for Christian leaders—pastors, youth workers, chaplains, theological students and ministry apprentices across WA.
Our purpose in gathering for 2 days is to equip us for Biblically faithful, Christ-centred gospel ministry,
and to foster partnerships in the cause of Christ as we seek to win the multitudes of lost people in WA and beyond.
$200 standard (all meals including Tuesday Dinner)
$100 for Ministry Apprentices and students
$50 discount for people travelling 350kms
$100 discount for people travelling more than 500kms
$30 Tuesday dinner for spouses
(conference income helps fund PGP's operations through the year)