Talk Archive
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Workshop 2: Building a High Functioning Team
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Craig Hamilton
Session 5: Toolbox 4 – Pre-mortem
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Craig Hamilton
Session 5: Talk 5 – The Loving Leader
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Gary Millar
Session 5: Q&A – Gary Millar & Craig Hamilton
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Craig Hamilton
Gary Millar
Session 4: Toolbox 3 – Giving feedback
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Craig Hamilton
Session 4: Talk 4 – The Leader Under Pressure
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Gary Millar
Session 3: Toolbox 2 – Decision making authority
PGP Annual Conference 2018: Gospel-Shaped Leadership
Craig Hamilton